No one wants these disproportional, ugly windmills. People don’t want their views obstructed. Even in a godless society, the modern cult of ugliness is so unnatural that human nature rebels against it. So why can’t they make beautiful windmills? Why must the industry insist upon these cold, depressing behemoths?

A green new world is coming as activists move to impose their eco-agenda upon society. The present administration is introducing “infrastructure” reform, which will develop green energy sources at warp speed. Windmills and solar panels are all the rage.

However, all is not well in the efforts to build a green new world. The race for clean wind energy is facing headwinds that threaten to shear off its future.

Windmills seem to have everything going for them. The technology has never been better as the turbines are ever more efficient. The windmills have plenty of financial backing. Green energy is the latest and greatest asset for every investment portfolio. Wind power is popular, with seventy percent of the public favors expanding it.

Unwanted Windmills

The big problem with modern windmills is that they are ugly. No one wants them in the backyard. The oversized giant propellers in the sky are unsightly, unnervingly noisy, and unwanted.

All across the nation, communities are rejecting windmill projects. Hundreds of local governments have resisted the temptation to go windmill green. President Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan envisions “tens of thousands of wind turbines.” The problem will be finding places, not the cash, to build them.

Ironically, the bluer the state, the more hostile the reception. In New York, for example, officials have adopted a people-be-damned policy. So many communities rejected wind projects that the Cuomo administration recently imposed regulations allowing government officials to override community objections and issue permits for large-scale projects.

In California, eco-promoters face a similar dilemma. Most clean energy developers have given up on finding significant sites for new wind projects due to local opposition. No winds of change are blowing in Sen. Bernie Sander’s Vermont as turbine construction is at a standstill.

Indeed, liberals have a hard time practicing what they preach. Regarding wind, their concern for the environment appears to be a lot of hot (and still) air.

Wind Is Ugly Energy

In a materialistic world, people rarely choose beauty over dollars. However, the verdict is in on wind turbines. Beauty wins.

It is not enough that energy production satisfies the physical needs of the nation. It must also accommodate the needs of the soul. Wind energy does not involve the relatively small yet ugly generating plants of the past. It calls for planting massive forests of obstructive noisy mills dominating the landscape.

Alas, wind power is ugly energy without a soul. It destroys the beauty of the environment it seeks to save. Wherever it is found, it oppresses by its slow, sinister movements and obnoxious noise. It cannot be ignored since it is ever-present and demands the attention of all who pass by.

Thus, no one wants these disproportional wind machines. People don’t want their views obstructed. They don’t want to live in ugly places, and so property values become depressed when windmills go up. Visitors stay away when ugly mills blight scenic landscapes. The alien contraptions kill the local culture since they are all the same, disregarding the likes and creations of the people around them. No wonder they generate more controversy than electricity in many places.

Only big government and the left favor the cyclopean machines because their modern materialistic philosophies see everything through an economic prism that cares little for the spiritual side of things. Thus, secular policymakers extend every incentive to cover America with monstrous windmills to increase energy production. On the left, socialism is an anti-metaphysical and atheistic sect that denies any transcendent reality like truth, beauty, or goodness. The ugly windmill, like Soviet architecture, is the embodiment of its vulgar and egalitarian philosophy of life.

Making Windmills Beautiful Again

The visceral rejection of giant wind turbines leads to the questions: Why can’t they make beautiful windmills? Why must the industry insist upon these cold, depressing behemoths?

Indeed, making beautiful windmills can be done. The famous Dutch windmills were works of art and examples of amazing innovation. The old mills still attract people with their picturesque beauty and charm. They represent the harmony of humanity with nature. They satisfy the needs of both body and soul. They unite the practical and the ornamental. From such associations, a culture is born, and a people develops.

Thus, the answer to the questions goes beyond mere economic considerations. People do not want to build beautiful windmills because beauty is an abstraction that does not have sufficient value in today’s warped scale of values. Society has become godless and seeks only material gratification, and avoids beauty and good, which have their absolute perfection in God.

However, even in a godless society, the modern cult of ugliness is so unnatural that human nature rebels against it. Indeed, at least some people have the good sense to reject the revolting turbines. That is one more reason why it is so essential to engage in the Culture War so that one day windmills can be made beautiful again.

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