
By |2024-05-04T15:16:20-05:00April 27th, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christian Living, Christianity, Cluny, Ronald Knox|

Tell me, when you’ve “had words” with somebody, isn’t there usually a chance, before the next time you go to confession, of saying some kind word, doing some trifling service, which will obliterate the memory of your quarrel without the need of referring to it? That is what Jesus Christ wants you to do. Pastoral [...]

Some Principles of Peace

By |2024-05-04T15:16:22-05:00April 16th, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Civil Society, Cluny, War|

Our modern urbanised arrangement of vast groups of human beings—in which the city is master and the country servant—organized through tokens (money) rather than through realities—are undeniably the proximate occasion of war. Old Principles and the New Order, by Vincent McNabb, O.P. (224 pages, Cluny Media) “Jesus…seeing the city wept over it saying: If thou [...]

Catholic Literature in the Modern World

By |2024-05-04T15:16:24-05:00April 13th, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Cluny, Literature, Ronald Knox|

No survey of contemporary literature can call itself complete today which ignores Catholic literature. And this not only because of the promise it holds out for a complete renovation of the arts, but also because of its many distinguished writers and its not inconsiderable critical and creative work in all departments of literature. The Catholic [...]

“The Little Ones”

By |2024-05-04T15:16:26-05:00April 5th, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Cluny|

The kingdom of heaven would not appear before the eyes of men with a crash of thunder and a blaze of lightning. It would begin, in itself and in each man’s heart, humbly, almost insignificantly, as small as the mustard seed. Only Son, by Walter Farrell, O.P. (226 pages, Cluny Media) “And His mother and [...]

A Benedictine Education

By |2024-05-04T15:16:27-05:00March 22nd, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Classical Learning, Cluny, Education, Sainthood, St. Benedict|

Education follows the same law as the physical universe, which is sustained and carried on in dependence on certain centres of power and laws of operation. Education has its history in Christianity, and its doctors or masters in that history. A Benedictine Education, by John Henry Newman (160 pages, Cluny Media) As the physical universe [...]

The Catholic Literary Revival

By |2024-05-04T15:16:28-05:00March 16th, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Cluny, Literature|

Catholic literature, when we discover it coming into being in the mid-nineteenth century, is a literature of protest against the course being followed by European society. Its writers were not very numerous, nor did the typical Victorian man see any particular significance in their opposition to Liberalism, the anti-intellectual Romantic aesthetic, scientific naturalism, and the [...]

A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation

By |2024-05-04T15:16:30-05:00March 10th, 2024|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Cluny, Sainthood, St. Thomas More|

If our hearts were truly not in this world but in heaven, all the torments that the world could devise would give us no pain. Let us therefore send our hearts to heaven by sending our wealth there. A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation, by Thomas More (248 pages, Cluny Media) XIII. Concerning the wise [...]

Beauty, Nature, & the Quest for Meaning in Sigrid Undset’s “The Wild Orchid”

By |2024-05-04T15:17:03-05:00March 8th, 2024|Categories: Beauty, Books, Christianity, Cluny, Nature|

Sigrid Undset understood how experiences of joy alongside unfulfilled longings can break the spell of modernity and open a window into the spiritual life. "The Wild Orchid" explores the possibility of spiritual awakening in society that has grown bored with the Christian faith and is seeking new ways to re-enchant the natural world. In Sigrid [...]

Sigrid Undset: A Study in Christian Realism

By |2024-05-04T15:16:35-05:00December 16th, 2023|Categories: Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Cluny, Literature|

Sigrid Undset’s writing takes its place as one of the truly remarkable phenomena in the literature of the twentieth century. She is, wrote a Swedish critic in 1927, the year before she received the Nobel Prize, one of the very few contemporary authors of whom one may well use the adjective “great.” That is no [...]

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