Is Our Culture Worthy of Despair?

By |2015-10-11T11:40:14-05:00September 13th, 2015|Categories: Christianity, Culture, Faith, Featured, Hope|

In the last months, particularly after the Supreme Court decision on homosexual marriage in late June, I’ve noticed a pronounced malaise in many of my friends and family. For some, this looks awfully close to despair, for others a scornful anger, with a kind of dazed escapism, haunting yet others hoping they are in a [...]

A Grandmother’s Life, Death, and Resurrection

By |2021-05-08T10:44:38-05:00August 30th, 2015|Categories: History, Hope, Love|

My grandmother’s passing represents the passing of a historical era; however, her death ultimately symbolizes something at once both far more profound and more commonplace. The most important thing about my grandmother’s death is that it will be undone. My grandmother proposed to my wife months before I did. They’d just met the day before, [...]

Redeeming Shawshank

By |2019-12-10T16:14:33-06:00January 7th, 2015|Categories: Audio/Video, Dwight Longenecker, Film, Hope, Morality|

One of the most popular and enduring films, and fast on its way to becoming a timeless classic, features murder, nudity, adultery, savage violence, homosexual rape, and suicide. The movie is Frank Darabont’s Shawshank Redemption. Based on a novella by Stephen King, the film recounts the story of uptight banker Andy Dufresne, who is locked [...]

When Reagan and Ratzinger Teamed Up on Faith and Hope

By |2023-01-07T10:11:04-06:00September 7th, 2014|Categories: Christianity, Communio, Faith, G.K. Chesterton, Hope, Pope Benedict XVI, Ronald Reagan|

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI almost a year after the June 2004 death of Ronald Reagan. I don’t know if Ratzinger and Reagan ever met, though there’s a chance they did during one of Reagan’s visits to the Vatican to meet with Pope John Paul II, especially his first and most prominent visit, [...]

Hope: Strength or Human Delusion?

By |2016-11-26T09:52:13-06:00October 6th, 2012|Categories: Hope, Quotation|

From the The Matrix Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.–The Architect (The Matrix Reloaded) For more on the Matrix Trilogy visit The Imaginative Conservative Bookstore. […]

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